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Fresh Start

Benjamin Moore is proud to offer Fresh Start High-Hiding All-Purpose Primer (K046), our highest performing interior/exterior primer.  Its advanced technology provides outstanding high-hiding properties that help you get the job done faster and with fewer coats of paint


Step One

A premium quality blended acrylic primer that flows out to a smooth consistent finish and provides excellent adhesion for sealing new or previously painted drywall


Aqua Lock

Aqua Lock is a multi-purpose, 100% acrylic, water-based primer/sealer for outstanding everyday stain blocking on a variety of surfaces.  It adheres to interior and exterior surfaces and can be top-coated with latex or oil-based coatings.


Reduced Odour

The Reduced Odour primer is a modified synthetic alkyd primer and sealer formulated with a solvent that produces lower odour levels compared to other INSL-X® alkyd primers. It dries to touch within 30 minutes and seals stains that are caused by water, tannin, smoke and more. Reduced Odour primer can also be used on exterior masonry and to spot prime exterior wood, shingles, and composition siding.

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B-I-N is the ultimate shellac-based primer, sealer and stain killer.  It is perfect for use on interior surfaces and spot priming of exterior surfaces


Drywall Primer

Benjamin Moore® professional primers are designed to meet every priming challenge and set every professional painter up for success. Fast Sanding Primer.



STIX waterborne Bonding Primer is a premium quality, acrylic-urethane primer-sealer with unparalleled adhesion to the most challenging surfaces, including glossy tile, PVC, vinyl, plastic, glass, glazed block, glossy paint, pre-coated siding, fiberglass, and galvanized metals 


Prime All

Prime All is a multi-surface latex primer and sealer. It is a high-quality primer with great flow and leveling. It has strong adhesion and sealing properties while drying to the touch in less than an hour.

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Prime Lock

Prime Lock Plus is an alcohol-based interior primer/sealer that stops bleeding on plaster, wood, metal, and masonry.  It helps block and lock down odours from smoke and fire damage and is ideal replacement for pigmented shellac.  Seal Lock Plus may be used as a primer for porous substrates or as a sealer/stain blocker.


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On-screen and printer colour representations may vary from actual paint colours.

Store Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
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